HarryBertoia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public non-profit organization. We educate and inform the public about artist Harry Bertoia and modern art. We collect historical documents of Harry Bertoia and distribute appropriately. We create and expand public displays and educational programs of Harry Bertoia artwork and music, as well as other appropriate modern art. We represent all things Bertoia. We spread the legacy of Harry Bertoia.
[section_header use_decoration=”1″ main_heading=”ABOUT THE FOUNDATION” color=”#8c7b5f” separator_color=”#8c7b5f”]
[dt_iconbox icon_type=”icon-question” iconbox_heading=”FAQ” color_heading=”#8c7b5f” target=”_self” spy=”uk-animation-slide-right”]Find the answers to your questions: Everything from sprays to chairs to volunteering with the Foundation[/dt_iconbox]
[dt_iconbox icon_type=”icon-heart” iconbox_heading=”CLEANING + REPAIR” color_heading=”#8c7b5f” target=”_self” spy=”uk-animation-slide-right”]Maintaining your Harry Bertoia sculpture: How to best care for your piece depends on the condition it is in.[/dt_iconbox]
[dt_iconbox icon_type=”icon-check-1″ iconbox_heading=”AUTHENTICITY + APPRAISAL” color_heading=”#8c7b5f” target=”_self” spy=”uk-animation-slide-right”]What the Foundation can do for you, whether you have a confirmed or possible Bertoia.[/dt_iconbox]
[dt_iconbox icon_type=”icon-zoom-in-4″ iconbox_heading=”ID REAL BERTOIA CHAIRS” color_heading=”#8c7b5f” target=”_self” spy=”uk-animation-slide-right”]Despite the evolutionary changes that have taken place over the years, it’s surprisingly easy to spot the originals.[/dt_iconbox]